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Love of 理念: Love of 提供現代生活女性休閒時尚感的歐美風格服飾,傳達愛戀自我風格的意念,讓每位顧客能透過 Love of 的服飾,感受到更豐富的生活故事。 Love of 風格: 歐美時尚風格穿著。 Love of 保證: 服飾設計與製造皆由 Love of 垂直整合及監控,除了品質保證外,Love of 的產品絕對會帶給妳 自信、喜悅、時尚! Love of 服務: Love of 除了在 Facebook 網路購物上販售 Love of 服飾,在東區頂好名店城裡的店面提供試穿及取貨服務,當然也會有網路購物上看不到的精美服飾等著妳發掘!貼心的 Love of 也會現場提供好喝的咖啡供妳享用,讓妳擁有 VIP 的購物體驗!
本店位於東區SOGO復興館的對面街道,店內設計師都擁有多年豐富的技術與經驗,HD堅持服務品質與服務流程,講求專業與親切的服務就是我們夢想的店。簡約明亮的裝潢,搭配舒適實尚的沙發音樂,讓顧客擁有亮麗的髮形之外,也能享受服務過程中心靈放鬆的自在... 設計師資歷不限 男.女不拘 保底or高抽成.月休6~8天 新升任設計師可 只要你有心再學習 助理經驗不限.有心學習一定栽培 男.女不拘 薪18000.月休6天 本公司有與藝人.選美小姐.模特兒合作,都會有學習做造型的機會喔!~
Skyline7 International Co., Ltd. was founded in April 2010. Some identify us as an apparel purchasing/sourcing company, some see us as an apparel brand management company, and the rest just think we’re just another for-profit retailer. Yes, we have our own apparel brands (see 7age, Bilancia, Neoclassics), yes we have our own production team, and yes we are here to make a profit – but we aren’t just that. We like to view ourselves as the leaders of the New Age Thinkers– inspiring and encouraging everyone to continuously come up with innovative and creative ideas that benefits the world. Skyline7 was founded on one simple idea ~ "A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is Reality." – John Lennon. It’s ok to dream out loud...we’re listening.
N BRIEF HORNSONIC has launched the professional OEM / ODM of loudspeakers(driver units) range for Hi-Fi , PA , Car , multimedia , etc. onto market since 1985. Today we comprise three plants which are located in Taiwan , China , Indonesia, with three regional offices separately in Taiwan , USA and Hong Kong in handling global sales and distribution. 95% of the turnover is for export worldwide-Japan , USA , Europe , Australia , Asia , etc. In its facility area of about 35,000 square meters and approx 1.8 million pieces of loudspeakers (driver units)can be manufactured monthly . All the production is implemented under ISO 9000 to keep the quality in good manners. The people who in HORNSONIC research center with the advanced facilities and equipment are often enthusiasts , with many years of experience in meeting customers s changing demands and the very expertise to ensure that everything is properly set up to deliver the best performance. 1991 - Hornsonic International Corp.-headquarters in Taiwan 1985 - Hurng Yin Electronic Co., Ltd - Taiwan plant. 1989 - Humg Yin Electomic(HK) Co., Ltd - HK office. 1998 - Hera International Inc. - USA office. 2000 - H&Y ELECTRONICS SDN - BHD. YOU REQUIRE IT WE LL HAVE IT !! HORNSONIC INTERNATIONAL CORP. Head Office : 12F , No . 333-335 , Wen-Hsin Road , Ku-Shan Dist., Kaohsiung , Taiwan. Tel : 886-7-553-1626~8 Fax : 886-7-553-0701 Email : [email protected]
Advanced Digital Broadcast (ADB) 遠昇科技 (www.adbglobal.com) 是一家提供數位電視系統與互動電視軟體解決方案的領導供應商。遠昇科技成立於1995年,自1997推出首台機上盒至今,已累積出貨超過1500萬台到全球各地,擁有完整而豐富的技術整合經驗與實力,包括與各種不同中介軟體(middleware)、鎖碼系統(conditional access)與硬體規範。 有別於國內一般代工生產數位機上盒大廠,ADB遠昇科技專注創新技術的研發與行銷,其所設計的產品,素來被傳播界公認為現今與未來新世代數位廣播領域中的翹楚,並屢獲全球最具公信力之Cable & Satellite/Mediacast「年度最佳產品」獎項的肯定。尤其在數位電視開放標準(MHP, ATSC, ACAP, OCAP, DOCSIS, AVC/VC-1, etc.)、Digital Video Recording、高畫質(High Definition, HD)、3D、IPTV等熱門領域,ADB充分掌握未來發展的關鍵技術與資源。最近更獲得IMS Research研究機構選為「 2009 電視發明獎」殊榮。 ADB全球總員工數約850人,其中以研發工程師約佔70%,總部設在瑞士,並在台灣、印度、以色列、義大利、烏克蘭、波蘭、西班牙、英國以及美國等地都設有營運據點。展望未來亞洲數位電視市場的蓬勃發展,ADB決定擴充其在台灣的研發與業務實力。我們客戶導向的品管、效能與創新,是重視市場差異化及加值服務電視業者的最好選擇。歡迎國內對數位電視發展有興趣的菁英人士加入我們的研發團隊,與ADB共同打造、分享互動數位電視創造的無限可能。 FIFTEEN MILLION NEW GENERATION DIGITAL SET TOP BOXES SHIPPED!!!! Come and join the Digital Television Revolution: ADB is Asia-Pacific’s Number One supplier of digital TV system and interactive digital TV software technology. Middleware, Conditional Access, T-Mail, E-Commerce, EPG, Games, hardware standard, and much more---- That is what we are developing in our R & D Centre. ADB not only possesses the key technique in the realm of MHP、 ATSC、 ACAP、 OCAP、 DOCSIS、 AVC/VC-1、Digital Video Recording、High Definition, HD、3D、IPTV,… etc. but was also crowned "TV INNOVATOR OF THE YEAR" at the 2009 TV Innovation Awards by IMS research in the US. Successful candidates will enjoy exciting jobs in the environment of this 21st century multinational technology company, excellent compensation package plus extensive international exposure, intensive training and stock options. We are looking for dedicated professionals to Join Our Asia Pacific Region.
本公司"Macho Of Style"起於2004年.目前有3間分店~ 士林安平店 士林大南店 師大店 ~ 以男性服飾精品為主
We are a high-tech Wireless system integrator and manufacture established at Taipei City Neihu District, TAIWAN in 1996,Engaging in the Wireless Media business of product development, technical service and providing product planning, design, manufacturing service, and integration in the fields of all digital audio broadcasting equipments including DAB(Digital Audio Broadcasting) HD, XM: Satellite Radio MPB,VOIP electronics, and total solution for worldwide valuable branded customers. Cooperated with many design houses in the States , We leading the technology in doing the Research & Development of Wireless Media products, we announced the first one HD radio among all the other manufactures, also we achieved the equivalent product manufacturing quality compared to excellent manufactures in the world. With our Core Competences and Consistent Commitments to our partner customers, our experienced R&D team come from all relevant RF background with doctor and bachelor degree, Our shareholders are mainly from local stock listed company groups. With flexible manufacturing facility including Printed Circuit Board , SMT, Antenna, assembling line were also dedicated to all to the valuable customers. We wish to play an outstanding role as a value added supplier to our customer in the Wireless Media areas.
How can we make Combination Wrenches, Double Open-End Wrenches and Double Ring Offset Wrenches interesting? We have thought about it fa long time and found that it is not an easy thing to do. Sure, we could tell you that Shih Yeong Industry Corp was founded in 1978 in Taichung, Taiwan and that we specialize in Wrenches of all kinds, including specially tailored designs four customers. But how special is that? We could talk about the quality of our products and how satisfied our worldwide client base is with them, but you would probably say that every supplier says that. We have even thought about mentioning that we have built our own brand, OULEE, since 1998, into a reputable one which promises to deliver above your expectations of quality and design. However, we didn’t want to bore you with that either. Even the fact that we received ISO 9001 approval in 2000 and that all our wrenches conform to ANSI, DIN and JIS standards didn’t really sound exciting enough. Of course, we did wonder whether we should do like everybody else and talk about our company’s focus on innovation by combining the skills of our designers with those of craftsmen, but you wouldn’t really believe us, would you? In fact, we have given up on trying to make wrenches sound exciting and have decided that if anyone was going to convince you about our wrenches, it would be the wrench itself. So, no more words, give our product a try and we’ll do the talking later. 世瀅工業股份有限公司 創立於民國 67 年,主要從事手工具;擁有為數不少的客戶群。 本公司擁有優秀的經營團隊,秉持著『品質信譽』的經營理念,追求企業永續經營及成長;除整體營運穩定外,獲利狀況也逐年提昇,是國內績優廠商之一。
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